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Business English & European Culture

Create mutual understanding for international business success: attend our Business English & European Culture course.


English is essential when conducting business internationally, working in international oriented teams or if you are planning to live abroad. Improving your English skills will enable you to express yourself professionally and effectively, leading to international success.


In an interactive programme, you will work on your communication skills, improving your level of business and conversational English step by step. In addition, we will cover the cultural aspects of starting or developing your business in Europe. You will learn to deal with the European processes and business dynamics in an open and encouraging atmosphere!


Programme and group size

We will work in small groups of 8 – 10 persons giving all participants the opportunity to practise, speak and receive individual feedback. Depending on your learning outcomes we will focus on specific competences such as meetings, presentations, social talk, business negotiations and writing in English.


The programme will be tailor-made after the needs analysis interviews. Much sought after programme components are:

- Improving speaking and listening skills: conversations, meetings, discussions, presentations, and social talk;
- Improving reading and writing skills: e-mails, memos, reports et cetera;
- Expanding general, business and job-specific vocabulary;
- Grammar review and sentence structure; Improving pronunciation and intonation;
- Increasing confidence and ease-of-speaking;
- Business and social etiquette and protocol;
- Intercultural communication: appropriate strategies for dealing with cultural differences.


Bradford language courses are all about learning by doing. You will be immersed in a language bath from the moment you land at Schiphol. All exercises, conversations, explanations and assignments will be performed in English.


Communication is not all about language. Understanding cultural aspects and communication styles and adapting these can lead to more productive and effective work relations, and more importantly, prevent miscommunication. During the programme we will cover business and social etiquettes and cultural awareness. We expect you to be active and pro-active and to feel responsible for your own learning process. The more you put into it, the more you'll get out of it. And last but not least: you'll have fun!


Schedule & class times

The course is given over 5 days, from Wednesday until Tuesday (approx. 30 training hours). Morning programme 9.30 - 12.30, afternoon programme 13.30 - 16.30. Times depending on the season.


During the sessions there will be ample opportunity to practice and improve your skills and learn more about diversity within the European Community. During the weekend and evenings, we will also organise interesting visits allowing you to practise in real-life situations. We will introduce you into typical European social matters and pay a visit to companies, theatre and other events. Sports like sailing and bicycling are also possible.


Entrance level & needs analysis

The Business English course is given at level B1/B2 of the Common European Framework (CEF). Please take a look at the language levels for further information about the CEF levels. B1/B2 is an intermediate level for independent users of the language. Passive skills (listening and reading) are at B2, active skills (writing and speaking) are at B1. The course will focus on making the transition from independent user to professional user with target level B2/C1.


Before the course starts, we will organize a personal (Skype) needs analysis interview with you and will ask you to submit a short business writing assignment. This will enable us to tailor-make the course to your needs and language level.



Training will be given in the Netherlands in a representative and elegant conference centre near Amsterdam, with plenty of single rooms. Depending on your personal preferences, you can also stay in well-equipped guest houses or apartments. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and drinks will be provided during the training.

Castle Oegstgeest, training and hotel facilities, only 20 min. from Amsterdam Airport.


The Netherlands

The quality of life in the Netherlands makes it the perfect place for your studies. The Dutch are generally open, receptive, multi-cultured, and friendly. Moreover, the English language is widely spoken. Amsterdam - the capital of the Netherlands – as well as other cities and the beautiful countryside will ensure you will have a wonderful time during your stay. Depending on your personal and family preferences, we are also able to advise about special tours to cities and other interesting places all over Europe. All activities will enhance your learning process through giving you the opportunity to practise your English.


European certificate
At the end of the training course you will receive a certificate stating the achieved level according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEF), the language levels established by the Council of Europe in Brussels (Belgium). The certificate is awarded upon satisfactory attendance, commitment and progress. Our trainers come from a broad spectrum of native English-speaking countries and are very experienced in giving language training at all levels.


Organisation & Costs

Please fill out the                                 for more information about planning and costs of this interesting training course.

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Training centre in Netherlands
Training centre in Netherlands
Training centre in Netherlands
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